Sunday, September 30, 2007

Max Barry | he writes things is a rather humorous blog by author Max Barry. If you're not familiar with Barry, he authored such books as Company, Jennifer Government and Syrup. I haven't actually read any of his books, so my knowledge of his work is limited to what I've been able to read online, but I do enjoy what I've read so far. Someday I plan on pulling myself away from this computer desk long enough to head to the bookstore and see if I can find some of his work. Yes... that's right... I said bookstore. You remember... kinda like the "real life" counterparts of Amazon and such. I don't do online shopping.

I first discovered Barry when I stumbled upon his NationStates website. NationStates is a free online nation simulation game inspired by Barry's book Jennifer Government. So after checking out, you may wanna bop on over and create yourself a corrupt government or two.

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