Monday, September 24, 2007

Gay News Daily: Towleroad, a premium site for modern gay men.

Towleroad describes itself as "a site with homosexual tendencies". It's basically in blog format, and it seemed worthy, although I haven't really checked it out much yet. It's content seems to be intended for gay men. I did read a couple of articles about pink (the color, not the singer). One article talked about the South Carolina penal system forcing inmates convicted of sex crimes to wear pink jumpsuits. The other is about a bunch of pink wearing high school boys in Nova Scotia.
I don't know about you, but I hate pink (again, the color, not the singer), and I don't blame those inmates for not wanting to wear pink jumpsuits -- ESPECIALLY since it labels them as sex offenders and makes them a target of assault. But tough shit -- they committed a crime, they pay the price. But as far as those high school boys are concerned, they're right. Students should be able to wear whatever color they want without fear of assault. So kudos to the boys for thinking about bringing in all those pink t-shirts... as well as to everyone in the high school who donned a pink tee and stood up for the original pink tee wearing lad! Confused? Read the article. Read more articles while you're there. I didn't... but don't let that stop you.

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